U.S. War Machine is Causing Starvation, Cholera Outbreak in Yemen! Only Resistance Can End the Genocide!

Yemen, which has a population of nearly 29 million people, is being devastated by a long and bloody war. For nearly 3 years Saudi Arabia has bombed the people of Yemen, destroying their access to essential goods. Moreover, Saudi Arabia has enforced a devastating blockade of the nation’s main air and sea ports through which Yemen imports almost 90% of its food and the majority of its medicine. This has caused a food crisis that has starved millions of Yemenis including 50,000 children in 2017. Malnourishment has resulted in the worst cholera outbreak that the world has ever seen, with a million recorded cases last year. On June 11 the Saudis stooped so low as to bomb a cholera treatment center operated by Doctors Without Borders, knowing full well the purpose of the facility.

If you’re lucky, you might have heard this much on the news. But what the corporate media never reports is that this is being done with American planes, ships, rockets and military intel. Trump and his crew are supporting the genocide with money and weapons, and they’re also giving a diplomatic shield to the Saudis as they carry it out. As much as they try to distance themselves from it, the U.S. politicians and generals are truly responsible for genocide against Yemen.

Millions of Yemeni workers and their children face starvation, disease and regular bombings. Some of them resist, some of them try to flee to other countries but the majority can do neither. Just like us, they have to go back to work every morning despite these unimaginable conditions. Workers in different countries must build the solidarity necessary to truly support each other and finally bring an end to the scourge of US bombs across the globe.

Get informed and show your solidarity with the people of Yemen!

End the U.S.-Saudi massacre of Yemen NOW!