100,000 U.S.-armed troopers of Nazi Ukrainian regime threaten Donbass, risk escalation of major war


100,000 U.S.-armed Ukraine Nazi regime troopers amassed on border of Donbass Region to massacre the antifascist resistance and line up at the Russian border

Blame will be put on Russia escalating chance of larger war

U.S. workers will pay the price as war profiteers further loot the budget

Say No to Another U.S. War for Energy Profits

The U.S. is setting the stage for its Nazi puppets in the Ukraine to commit a massacre as they push their troops closer and closer to Russia. Yet again, the American people are being told the lie that Russia is the aggressor.

100,000 U.S. armed and funded Ukrainian troops are amassed on the border of the Donbass region in eastern Ukraine. The fascist Ukrainian government is threatening to massacre the residents of the self-determined People’s Republics of Donetsk and Lugansk which, along with the Republic of Crimea, declared independence from Ukraine in 2014 after a violent coup installed a U.S. puppet government in the capital of Kiev. Biden was a key player in the 2014 attack on Ukrainian sovereignty which he now falsely claims to be defending.

The heroic people of the independent republics of the Donbass are resistance fighters facing down a military with outright Nazis like the Azov battalion in its ranks. They don’t want to live in a fascist Ukraine, which since the 2014 coup has become the poorest country in Europe with its second largest military. They have faced waves of deadly attacks by fascists connected to the Ukrainian military and are shelled almost daily.

Russia shares several hundred miles of border with the Donbass region. Any military advance on its border—much less one by an army flying Nazi swastikas—is a serious matter of national defense. Anticipating some response by the Russian armed forces, the U.S. and its war propagandists in the capitalist media are hyping made-up intelligence ‘leaks’ of an imminent Russian invasion. The same news outlets fail to report that the U.S. has been flying nuclear-capable bombers on the edge of Russian airspace.

Already costing 14,000 lives, the U.S. backed Ukrainian war to regain the Donbass is not about defending Ukraine from “Russian aggression.” It’s about recapturing the industries of the region and crushing any resistance to the fascist dictates of Kiev which have driven the country into the dust. For the U.S., it’s also about maintaining a neocolonial government willing to sell out its country to U.S. and E.U. banks and corporations as has been done in Poland and Hungary.

The U.S. wants to use the Ukrainian military as the tip of its spear aimed eastward at neighboring Russia. Seeking out fresh sources of profit, the capitalists in control of the U.S. and the other major NATO powers want to bring Russia under their heel as they’ve done with other eastern Europe countries like the former Yugoslavia on whom they dropped 80,000 tons of bombs in 1999. We in the U.S. have nothing to gain by supporting these murderous wars for profit.

End all U.S. funding of the fascist Ukrainian government.

Stop the U.S./NATO drive to war with Russia!