US Out of Syria

US Out of the Middle East

Bring US troops home

For years US troops have been occupying nearly 1/3 of the territory of Syria, plundering as much 140,000 barrels of crude oil daily from a nation crippled by US funded war and sanctions.

Between 2013 and 2017 alone, as part of the CIA’s Operation Timber Sycamore, over $1 billion dollars were funneled to the most right-wing, reactionary forces in order to topple the Syrian government. As the current National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan admitted in a 2012 email exposed by Wikileaks, the US was allied with Al-Quaeda in an effort to overturn a government which has until this day resisted US, Israeli, and Turkish efforts to steal its land and resources all while providing vital aid to the Palestinian resistance.

The billionaire backed forces who today cheer the efforts to overturn the sovereign government of Syria are salivating at the prospects of more land, more oil, more pipelines, more shipping corridors, and more workers to exploit. There is not one iota of concern for the well-being of the Syrian people coming from the likes of Trump, Biden, Erdogan, or Netanyahu.

Workers in the US are worse off when our tax dollars are used to strangle to strangle and subjugate our working-class siblings abroad. The same forces tearing down the Syrian people are coming after us too.