Jewish Supporters of Palestinians Stand with Congresswoman Ilhan Omar

Nazi-loving Trump Is the Problem

The government of Israel is based on killing Palestinians and stealing their land. Israel was set up by Britain after World War II, and now the US pays for Israel’s military to bully other countries in the Middle East and steal oil and land from Palestine, Syria, Lebanon and even Egypt. Before Israel was “founded,” the area was known as historic Palestine and many Jews, Muslims and Christians lived in the area, sharing the land. But for decades the U.S. has given Israel billions in taxpayer money so that Israel can help the US also steal land and oil from innocent, working class people.

One of the ways the U.S. and Israel work together to take taxpayer money out of healthcare, education and even our ability to drink clean water from our pipes is through lobbying and special interest groups. One of the most powerful lobby groups in the U.S. is called the American Israeli Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC). AIPAC was recently called out by Somali-American Rep. Ilhan Omar. Congresswoman Omar was attacked right away by Republicans and Democrats and called anti-Jewish. In the U.S., anytime someone speaks out about Israel, politicians on both sides will try shut people up by calling them anti-Jewish. This includes criminalizing the Boycott Divestment and Sanction movement which simply says if you disagree with Israel, don’t buy or invest in Israeli products or companies.

As a person of Jewish descent, I condemn the racist government of Israel, and alongside me stand thousands of Jews who do so as well. But the media never allows Jewish people who do not agree with Israel to tell our story. We stand with Congresswoman Omar. She is criticizing a government and never said anything hateful about Jewish people, unlike Trump and his allies. Trump called Nazis who chanted “Jews Out” in Charlottesville “fine individuals.” Their support for Israel is still about imperialism and taking over other countries so that rich American politicians, Democrats and Republicans alike, can profit at any cost.

Long live Palestine! Down with Zionism!

Banks, U.S. Military Are the Real Drug Dealers, Not Migrants

Banks are the biggest profiteers from the drug trade. But bank owners are never jailed. HSBC, Western Union, Bank of America, JP Morgan Chase & Co, Citigroup, Wachovia among many others have allegedly failed to comply with American anti-money laundering (AML) laws.

While some poor youth has to spend 20 years of their life in Angola for possession, Wachovia Bank only has to pay a fine for laundering $378 billion in drug money over three years.

Charles A. Intriago, president of the Association of Certified Financial Crime Specialists, observed, “If you’re an individual, and get caught, you get hammered. But if you’re a big bank, and you’re caught moving money for a drug dealer, you don’t have to worry. You just fork over a monetary penalty, and then raise your fees to make up for it.”

“Until we see bankers walking off in handcuffs to face charges in these cases, nothing is going to change,” Intriago adds. “These monetary penalties are just a cost of doing business to them, like paying for a new corporate jet.”

U.S. Military Protects Drug Profits

Afghanistan—while occupied by the U.S. military—increased poppy production by 50% according to the 2013 Afghanistan Opium Survey by the United Nations. The U.S.’s only friends there are the opium producers, so the U.S protects them.

The head of the NRA, Oliver North, used military planes to bring in drugs to fund right-wing death squads in Nicaragua. The U.S. military and CIA were well known as a source of drugs during the Vietnam War era. Now they hide it better.

Pharmaceutical Companies Make a Killing from Addiction

The super wealthy Sackler family owns Purdue Pharma. Purdue Pharma plead guilty to federal criminal charges for misleading doctors, regulators, and patients about the addictiveness of Oxycontin yet the company continues to rake in billions every year. Opioids like Oxy kill an average of 200 people every day across the U.S. More than 400,000 people have died from overdoses in the last 20 years.



Women Deserve the Right to Self-Defense

Michele Benjamin (courtesy of Loyola Law Clinic)

25 years ago, as Michelle Benjamin was walking in the French Quarter, a man solicited her for sex and she refused. Despite saying no, she was attacked and fought back. In the struggle, her attacker died. For that, she was sentenced to life in prison. Michelle was only 16 at the time.

Like Cyntoia Brown, who defended herself against a man who had kidnapped, raped, and abused her, Michelle Benjamin was acting in self-defense. And like Cyntoia Brown, she spent decades in prison being punished for this “crime.”

This capitalist system treats women like slaves—to be used, controlled, kept quiet and submissive. We are supposed to submit to assault from partners or strangers. Killing someone in self-defense is often legal, but for women those protections rarely apply. Of the 219,000 women in prison, up to 30,000 are in prison for killing someone who attacked, abused, or raped them. Racist men like George Zimmerman hide behind “Stand Your Ground” laws for murdering innocent black children while women who protect themselves or their children from real harm are jailed.

Like Cyntoia Brown, Michelle Benjamin wasn’t found innocent. Her case wasn’t accepted as self-defense. She was only granted parole after 25 years of fighting for freedom. In the eyes of the state, she is still a murderer, not someone legally entitled to defend herself. Like Cyntoia Brown, she was not pardoned but was instead given a commuted sentence after a major pushback from the public.

Justice has been denied to Michelle Benjamin and Cyntoia Brown. They won their freedom despite the racist incarceration system because the people rose up with them. After decades of struggle, they won a concession, but justice still eludes them and the tens of thousands of others who have fought back.

Women deserve the right to self-defense & the resources to leave their abusers.

Cyntoia Brown was kidnapped into sex slavery. Michelle Benjamin was attacked for refusing solicitation for sex. Their cases mirror the thousands of women who have had to kill to survive in domestic or stranger abuse situations. Even when their lives are threatened or they are beaten, women who earn their living by selling sex are deemed criminal for fighting back. Even when a wife or partner’s life is threatened or she is being beaten, she is deemed the criminal. According to this unjust system, women are the property of men and have no right to protect their own lives.

Meanwhile, the billionaire class has continued its attack on women by refusing to reauthorize the Violence Against Women Act, stripping what few legal protections exist for women who try to escape abuse or seek protection from it. While there are many women fighting to push a renewal through, this still leaves many more vulnerable than before.

Many women have no choice but to defend their own lives. Women are 75% more likely to be killed by their abuser when they try to escape. There is no effective protection from the state for those who seek to escape domestic violence, sexual abuse, kidnappers, or dangers to their children.

Over 80% of women who are in shelters escaping abuse state that affordable housing is one of their top needs. Often, abusive men use money to control their victims. Even when a woman has a paying job, the wages are often too low to cover the costs of moving on.

Killing in self-defense is the only way for most women to survive once they find themselves in a violent domestic partnership or other situation. We must stand with women in this situation.

After the revolution in China, when men would abuse their wives, the women in the village gathered together and went in a large group to confront the abuser. They stripped him naked and marched him down the street often giving him the same beating he inflicted on his wife. Domestic violence dropped dramatically.

Bosses Beware: Women Are Organizing!

Honor International Working Women’s Day

Moira Casados Cassidy—teacher in Denver who is leading the local teachers’ union fight for better wages and against for-profit charter schools. Teachers in Denver went on strike during the week of February 11th to demand a livable wage.

Zenei Cortez—Registered Nurse and co-president of California Nurses Association. Cortez worked as a nurse for over 40 years, has been leading the CNA’s fight for Medicare for All, and has fought her entire life for the rights of working women of color.

Marie Jacob—United Airlines catering worker. Jacob was a key figure in unionizing 2,700 United Airlines catering workers in Denver, Houston, Newark, Honolulu, and Cleveland. Thanks to her relentless hard work, the union won a $15/hour base pay for herself and thousands of other DIA (Denver International Airport) workers.

Pamela Bourgeois—cafeteria worker and member of the New Orleans chapter of Service Employees International Union. Bourgeois played a key role in securing $15/hour minimum wage for 66 cafeteria workers in New Orleans. She showed up persistently at school board meetings and spoke up against the unjust working conditions that she and many other cafeteria workers face. Speaking at the September OPSB meeting, Bourgeois said: “We should not have to work two or more jobs to make ends meet. We should not have to max out our credit cards to provide for our families. We should not have to rely on our family members for assistance. We need to know that we are contributing to our households.”

Be Marston (left, with coworker)—union bartender active in UNITE HERE Local 8. Be helped win a contract at the Oregon Convention Center which expanded workers’ healthcare coverage. As local president of the Oregon chapter of Pride At Work, the AFL-CIO’s organization for LGBT union members, she focuses on advocacy for trans and gender non-conforming union members.

3 Richest Americans Have More Wealth Than 50% of U.S. Population

By Gavrielle Gemma

Charles Koch, a right-wing oil baron who hates workers, is the seventh wealthiest person on the planet. When once accused of stealing crude oil from members of the Osage nation of the Great Plains, Koch responded, “I want my fair share and that’s all of it.” Koch runs a bag man operation called ALEC (American Legislative Exchange Council) which gives money to politicians in exchange for legislation that benefits them. Most of the Baton Rouge legislators are recipients of these bribes.

Koch paid Louisiana politicians to oppose a raise in the unlivable $7.25 an hour minimum wage. Why? Like he said, the rich want all the money for themselves.

No one should be fooled into thinking that the super-rich have “earned” their wealth through superhuman powers.

Every penny they hoard comes from the labor of the workers. The ultra-rich are a band of crooks, thieves and murderers, using inherited money to starve people for their profits.

We should be perfectly clear: they are stealing from us. Yet when we get anything—even a modest wage increase—they claim that we are stealing from them. Enough is never enough for them.

The head of the World Bank, representing the U.S. bankers mainly, has said that wages must be driven down even further. We workers don’t have the purchasing power we had 50 years ago. Younger generations of workers struggle with widespread job insecurity and a lack of benefits, accessible housing and affordable education. The rich want to impoverish all workers—technical, manual, and service workers alike.

The filthy rich feel entitled to every luxury. The lives of our children mean nothing to them.

The increasing concentration of wealth in fewer and fewer hands shows that the capitalist  system is an utter failure.

It’s our labor that runs the world. We vastly outnumber them. Ask yourself this question: Can New Orleans run without sanitation workers? No. Can it run without real estate developers? Yes! We can do without them; they cannot profit without us.

Wealth should belong collectively to the working class and our families. We are entitled to a good life. But we must free our minds and organize to get it!

Haitian Masses Rise Up Against U.S.-Backed Government Thieves

The Haitian masses continue their march towards revolution. Since February 7—the anniversary of the inauguration of the popular anti-imperialist Jean-Bertrand Aristide—hundreds of thousands of Haitians have flooded the streets in a renewed outpouring of popular protest.

When the working masses rise up against a ruling elite that Washington favors, the big business media looks the other way. So it is with Haiti where day after day, people are taking to the streets to demand the resignation of the Jovenel Moise, head of the corrupt U.S. backed government that has robbed the people of billions of dollars while the majority of Haitians struggle to afford basic necessities. To add insult to injury, Moise’s government has sided with the U.S. in their attempt to force a coup in Venezuela, betraying the solidarity that the Venezuelan government extended to the Haitian people through its PetroCaribe program which afforded Haitians subsidized oil and cheap credit when the imperialist banks would have otherwise fleeced them.

The government has responded with brutal repression. Police as well as government-hired foreign mercenaries have killed more than a dozen people with many more wounded.

But the people’s will for change will not be stopped; they are calling upon their national legacy of revolution to make real their demand for independence and dignity.


Free Pregnant Incarcerated Women

By LaVonna Varnado-Brown

As I started to research this piece, my intention was to shine a light on the grossly egregious health care female inmates in Louisiana receive, specifically in Orleans or Jefferson Parish. From an initial Google search of ‘women giving birth in jail cells,’ I literally got back 6,750,000 results. Women in Jefferson Parish, Louisiana, Denver, Texas, Australia, and all over this Earth are mistreated and ignored in prison systems. Human, procedural, and systemic failings have combined to create serious and avoidable risks to both mothers and babies.

In many of these cases, women pleaded and stated the pains and issues they were having to several deputies and nursing staff. In a world where movements like Black Lives Matter are countered by legislation like Blue Lives Matter, it is clear the police don’t care about Black lives or women’s lives.

There are situations like the case of Jefferson Parish resident Tiffini Woodward. She cried out during childbirth and was ignored. At 22 years old she gave birth to her son in a metal toilet, alone. She is seeking unspecified damages in a lawsuit naming both Jefferson Parish Sheriff’s Office and its private health contractor Correct Health Jefferson.

Any woman who has given birth knows what a spiritual time it is. How emotionally draining it is for weeks and sometimes months after. To imagine being in that situation alone and purposefully isolated and denied help is horrifying to me.

There are currently no state or federal laws limiting the restrictive housing of pregnant prisoners, according to a review by the National Women’s Law Center. Twenty-two states either explicitly allow the use of leg irons or waist chains on pregnant inmates or have no policy on them at all. Forty-three states do not require medical examinations as part of prenatal care, and 48 states do not offer pregnant prisoners screening for HIV.

We call for the release of these women and for them to be provided with all the financial and housing support that they and their children need.

Berta Caceres

“Let us wake up, humankind! We’re out of time. We must shake our conscience free of the rapacious capitalism, racism and patriarchy that will only assure our own self-destruction.

March 2 marks the 3-year anniversary of the assassination of internationally renowned environmental leader and hero of the Lenca nation, Berta Cáceres. Cáceres was an Indigenous defender of the land and water who was murdered by the Honduran government and paramilitaries. She led protests against the construction of a dam which threatened the livelihood of her people and spoke out against the right-wing dictatorship installed the United States. Since the 2009 US-backed coup in Honduras, the regime has carried out the murder and repression of Indigenous land defenders, social leaders, and members of the LGBTQ community.

Berta’s example has inspired people all over the world take up the struggle for justice and liberation in Honduras. Her daughter has taken up the struggle; in 2017, she was elected General Secretary of COPINH, the indigenous Lenca organization co-founded and led by Berta Cáceres.


Allowing hatred, while robbing the poor

Making up wars while closing the door

Everything in abundance, but only for the rich

Regressing into xenophobic politics

Including racists and backwards men in government

Creating a fascist state and electing rich men

Allowing all religions, but only if they say Amen


A country, deluged in wealth,

not caring for their citizens health,

fighting wars on foreign soil,

only for the reason of getting oil,

a government, wicked and corrupt,

just begging for the citizens to rise up.

A nation, divided by hate,

we must band together before it is too late.

Workers, Poor and Mistreated,

our lives and livelihoods impeded.

Men and women, of all different races,

restricted and banned from even going to places.

So what shall we do? What is there to be done?

These true words herald a rising sun.

Workers, broken and tired, we have a place you can be hired.

Free from tyranny, free from hate,

where all food will be on your plate!

Rise to action, workers of the world!

Bring to fruition the ideals of your vision!

Equality, Freedom, Brotherhood and more,

we the workers shall settle the score!

Never 3/5ths, always a man,

we shall bring the light back to this land.


 -Charles Hamback, Age 17

I Am a Proud Black Man

We as Black folks in this country have lived and survived under AmeriKKKan Apartheid for centuries now. From first being kidnapped from mother Africa and shipped here in chains like an Amazon package, to being declared as 3/5ths of a human being, the Black man in this country has been marked to be the most used and abused commodity in AmeriKKKa. You can look at The Dred Scott Decision, the Fugitive Slave Act, The Civil War, Jim Crow laws, Plessy v. Ferguson, Anti-lynching laws, Miscegenation Laws, Red Lining Laws, “War on Drugs”, “War on Terrorism”, Mass Incarceration, to the white-washed history and curriculum in schools.

Despite any and all that, I am a proud Black man in AmeriKKKa because I don’t conform or assimilate to the white male capitalist standard this country has set before us. I stand strong in the face of adversity and oppression, I fight for my people on a daily basis with the righteous intentions of decolonizing their minds to liberate their body and spirit. I wear my locs proudly, I wear my own clothing line proudly, I speak my native 7th w/d New Orleans dialect proudly, I proudly break down any and all lies the oppressor class has convinced or forced my people to believe. Like I tell folks, the greatest insult I can tell someone of the ruling class is “I can go into your world, you can NEVER come into mine”. That’s because we’ve created something from the funk and hurt we’ve endured as a people. I am proud, proud of the language we’ve created as we were outlawed from being able to read and write. Now EVERYTHING Black folks have created is commoditized or white-washed into the mainstream of society for profits. Whether it’s the music, the artwork, the dances, the slang, the way we greet, style of dress, way we rock our hair, we could go on and on. Under this white supremacy capitalist system, it’s not Black people they care about, it’s the money they can make off of Black people they care about, as it has always been in this country.

Peep game my people, don’t assimilate to the system, be proud of your existence, be proud of your culture, be proud of your creativity, be proud of your endurance, be proud of your uniqueness, be proud as you learn YOUR peoples’ history, and lastly be proud of US. This white supremacist capitalist system has attempted to beat Black folks into submission time after time and still we stand. State sanctioned oppression vs. the power of the people. Proletarian vs. Pig. Soul Brother vs soul sucker. Continue to educate, agitate and organize! And remember, the beauty is in the struggle, and it’s the working class people of New Orleans that make this place so desirable. We are the soul and essence of New Orleans. We are the food, the dance, the music, the rhythm, the talk, the flavor, we are all that and some jazz ya’ dig. Till next time, love & solidarity my peoples. #AllPower

With celestial luv, Enigma E.