U.S. Capitol is Not a Temple of Democracy

Activist being removed during an occupation of the Capitol by disability rights advocates protesting Republicans’ attempt to repeal Obamacare in 2017.

Politicians have taken every chance they can to publicly mourn the “desecration” of America’s “temple of democracy,” but let’s get real. The U.S. Capitol is not a temple of democracy.

The U.S. Capitol is a monument to racist terrorism and capitalist profit, not democracy. Congress supported slavery, genocide, segregation, and attacks on women, LGTBQ people, workers, and unions. They support and fund murderous war after murderous war. It’s only because of the progressive movement that we’ve won any laws that are of value to the people.


The issue is not about taking the Capitol, but for what purpose: to promote slavery or liberation? In 2011 workers of all nationalities united and occupied the Wisconsin State Capitol to defend their right to organize. In the 1980s when auto plants laid off hundreds of thousands and destroyed the communities, auto workers occupied the Michigan State Capitol to demand jobs. In 1965 the Mississippi Freedom Party refused to leave until they were seated in Congress. In New Orleans protesters chained the doors of the Eviction Court. In 1968 the heroic Black Panther Party entered the California State Capitol with arms to defend their communities against racist police terror.

These acts were right, justified, and democratic. They inspired millions of others to rise up and fight, even if the occupation was temporary, even if some were arrested, even if all demands were not met. Movements grow by mobilizing and mounting militant action.

If 20,000 workers marched on the Capitol to demand COVID relief, or protestors occupied the Capitol to demand an end to racist police terror, we would be cheering them on and rushing to gather support.

Let 20,000 workers of all nationalities and gender march on the Capitol to stand up against the fascists. This is what we need.