Military Industrial Banking Complex Fosters Fascism

U.S. capitalism is in constant crisis, desperately striving by any means to sustain the profits of the ultra-rich. To do this, capitalists are driving us into the dust, reducing wages and social programs (social wages) here and around the world.

The capitalists’ addiction to war profits clears the path for fascism.

Capitalism has reached a stage where a growing section of capitalists relies on government military spending for their profits. As a result, capitalist governments hand over larger and larger portions of their national budgets to war profiteering corporations at the expense of social programs. In the U.S., the military and financial sectors have come to dominate civilian production. In doing, their political power has grown.

The military industrial banking complex is run by the most right-wing, racist sector of the capitalist class. More than any other sector, they determine U.S. domestic and foreign policy. The growth of the fascist movement can no longer be ignored. All those openly supporting the fascists should be ousted and jailed. But to snuff out fascism completely, we must go to the heart of the U.S. capitalist system.

Will the Democratic party stop the growth of fascism or fuel it?

Any change in government may sound good after Trump. And we may get a few urgently needed and long overdue relief bills. But the Democratic Party did nothing meaningful to challenge Trumpism other than carry out a sham impeachment that urged for war on Russia at the behest of the CIA and the Pentagon.

In the middle of a pandemic and a world economic crisis, both Republicans and Democrats put aside their difference to pass a record military spending bill. Our money is stolen for more jets, nuclear weapons, and aircraft carriers while people have nothing. They have also co-conspired to conceal the fact that while we die and beg for relive, the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank is giving trillions to banks and private corporations.

Trumpism didn’t spring from the head of a rotten politician. Trumpism is an outgrowth of the dominant capitalist sectors wanting to divide the people, push us down, and violently crush any nation that dares to jeopardize their profits by struggling for independence.

Is it possible to combat fascism at home and fund and arm it elsewhere? No.

It is deeply disturbing how some call themselves socialists yet side with the U.S. capitalist regime change wars designed to re-impose the rule of the ultra-rich in Venezuela and Cuba. The U.S. funds and arms the fascist Columbian and Israeli governments and is responsible for genocide in Yemen and across Africa. How dare politicians say that the U.S. doesn’t resolve differences with violence when the U.S. military carries out endless wars and coups on behalf of the super-rich? The U.S. drops a bomb once every 12 minutes somewhere in the world. How many children and families does that add up to?

We must cast aside illusions and mobilize the people.

We must go to workers of all nationalities and expose the truth: fascists are puppets of the super-rich who are paid to use racism and other means to divide the people so the rich can hold on to their wealth. Just like the Nazis, the job of the fascists is to turn the people away from the real enemy so that total war can be waged against the working class.

The Biden administration could easily go to war with China or Iran or drag us into some other war we have no stake in. More than ever we must practice international solidarity. We must oppose U.S. militarism which is a noose around the neck of the whole working class. We cannot be lulled into passivity by heeding politicans’ calls to “heal” the country or defend the democracy of the few. These illusions only disarm the people when we ought to be organizing to defeat the fascists once and for all.

End the U.S./Saudi Genocide of the Yemeni People

World’s Worst Humanitarian Crisis Must be Stopped

The people of Yemen are suffering the worst humanitarian crisis in the world because of U.S. imperialism. Since 2015, the U.S. had backed a Saudi led war against Yemen by supplying weapons and bombs that have killed hundreds of thousands of Yemeni people and destroyed the county’s cities and agriculture. 20.5 million of the 29 million people living in Yemen lack access to clean water and sanitation, and over 60% of the people are starving. Half of the country’s healthcare facilities have been destroyed. Every day children are dying from starvation and preventable illnesses.

Stop the War Coalition has called for a global day of action on Monday, January 25. Join the Workers Voice Socialist Movement as we stand in solidarity with workers and oppressed people all over the world to say:
No War on Yemen!
12 Noon, January 25 at Duncan Plaza
Loyola Ave at Gravier St, New Orleans

U.S. uses “terror” designation to starve more children through sanctions and blockades.

Now international organizations are withdrawing aid from Yemen because the U.S. is calling Houthis in Yemen “terrorists.” This designation goes into full effect on January 19. The Houthis are an Indigenous people that have long resisted U.S. imperialism, overthrowing the authoritarian U.S.-backed regime in 2014 and establishing a government in the north of Yemen, while the south is ruled by a U.S. puppet government. The U.S. has no right to determine the national destiny of the Yemeni people.

Not only is the U.S. spreading vicious lies about the Houthis, they are recruiting members of al-Qaeda to help Saudi-backed militias overthrow the Houthi government. The U.S. capitalist ruling class doesn’t care if millions more Yemeni people die so long as they can crush any opposition to U.S. imperialism.

Workers around the world must unite to demand an end to the U.S./Saudi war on Yemen. As workers living in the most powerful and violent imperialist country on Earth, we have a special duty to stand with the people of Yemen and demand that not one more of our tax dollars go towards aiding, supplying, or abetting the Saudis in this genocidal war.

Coronavirus Fight Requires International Solidarity

By Ashlee Pintos

The current conditions for workers in the United States leave us extremely vulnerable to sickness and disease. With the lack of comprehensive, if any, healthcare, no guarantee of paid sick days, and demanding daily responsibilities on top of low wages, it is no wonder the majority of us are terrified of contracting an illness as unknown as the new coronavirus. While we have real, valid reasons to be concerned about the spread of any life-threatening virus, we should not allow our vulnerability to be weaponized into racism or paranoia.

The truth is that the United States government will use anything that they can to divide us. The latest coronavirus (COVID-19) is no exception. COVID-19 starts with flu-like symptoms such as fever, dry cough and in more extreme cases, shortness of breath. COVID-19 is a mutation of one of many existing coronaviruses. The majority of the population has already experienced a different strain of coronavirus which usually produces symptoms similar to the common cold.

Since the virus first appeared in China, it has spread to over 60 countries and killed over 3,000 people. While this number is seemingly high, context matters. Just this season alone, the flu has killed 10,000 people in the United States. While the capitalist owned media run to fan the flames of anti-Chinese sentiment, they have done very little to provide U.S. residents with scientific information and tools to prevent the common flu, which has killed as many as 60,000 people in recent seasons.

While China built a hospital in 10 days to address the threat that the coronavirus poses to its residents, Trump initially claimed that the outbreak was a “hoax.” Meanwhile Trump is pushing for massive cuts to Medicaid which will leave millions more without health insurance. Because the Chinese government has undertaken extraordinary steps to contain the spread of the virus within their country, the number of new cases outside of China now exceeds the number of new cases within, which are on the decline, according to the World Health Organization. This means that it is now the duty of other governments to cooperate in order to prevent a large-scale global outbreak. Socialist Cuba shows the way forward: while the U.S. did not offer China assistance, Cuban medical teams traveled to China. Cuba has produced antivirals that were used to treat people infected with the coronavirus and they are actively working to develop a vaccine.