Freedom Fighter Leila Khaled Speaks

In September, monopoly media corporations such as Zoom, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter censored the voice of Leila Khaled, an iconic symbol of resistance, a socialist, and a militant leader of the struggle to free Palestine and all the oppressed. The Arab studies department at San Francisco State University has been violently attacked, and their hosting of Leila Khalid was canceled by the school.

“I am proud if anyone sees me as a symbol of resistance; it gives me more strength for the struggle. To see a woman anywhere struggling for a just cause gives me hope and courage for my people. Women give their life for the struggle in Palestine and elsewhere”

—Leila Khaled

The U.S./Israeli/UAE/Saudi dictators use U.S. weapons to oppress and steal the homes and lives of Palestinians and destroy the people of Yemen. Yet in the face of jailings, assassinations, starvation, and death by COVID-19, the heroic resistance continues. We join with others across the country to break the silencing of Palestinian voices. Please listen to Leila Khaled speak here.

Making Our Way Home From New Orleans to Palestine

This May marks 71 years of displacement and mass murder of the Palestinian people. We call this our ‘nakba’ which means catastrophe in Arabic. The anniversary of Nakba, May 15, 1948 occurred when the United States, the British and the United Nations, gave Palestinian land that does not belong to them, away to Jewish people from Europe and renamed our homeland ‘Isra-el.’

To this day Palestinians are hunted in the streets and continue to have our homes stolen, demol-ished or given away. Children and adults are murdered and imprisoned because just like the poor and working class in New Orleans, we are often only considered “useful” to the rich ruling class if we are dead or are being used to make the rich richer.

Like many New Orleanians post-Katrina, the rich ruling class has made it impossible for us to go home. Similarly to the people of New Orleans, there are now more Palestinians who live outside of Palestine than in our homeland.

If there is a people who have experienced their own nakba, it is the people of New Orleans.

If there is a people who feel the Palestinian struggle for land, dignity and safety, it’s the people of New Orleans.

If there is a people who understand what it’s like to see your own neighborhood, overrun with strangers who want your culture but don’t want you – it’s the people of New Orleans.

If there is a people who understand what it’s like to see your homes gutted, your pain broadcast for the world to see and still not get justice, it’s the people of New Orleans.

If there is a people who understand what it’s like to be scattered and still have a deep sense of who you are and where you come from, it’s the people of New Orleans.

If there is a people who still love life despite facing its cruelty everyday, it’s the people of New Orleans.

This year marks 14 years since Katrina and over 100,000 Black New Orleanians still haven’t come home. From Palestine to New Orleans, we are returning.

We will reclaim our land. We will fight back.

From Palestine to New Orleans the time to unite and recognize our shared struggle is now.

From New Orleans to Palestine, we are going home.

All power to the people.

40,000 Palestinians Honor the Anniversary of the Great March of Return

On March 30, thousands of Palestinians demonstrate at the Israel-Gaza border.

40,000 Palestinians gathered on March 30 to commemorate the one year anniversary of the “Great March of Return” demonstrations at the Israel-Gaza border. The demonstrations commemorate Land Day, which marks 43 years since six Palestinians were killed by Israeli police as they protested the Israeli state’s seizure of their land. Since the beginning of the demonstrations last year, the Israeli military has killed more than 200 demonstrators and injured thousands more. Despite this, the Palestinian people remain steadfast in their fight for their homeland which was stolen from them and from which they were forcibly expelled.

The Palestinian people stand tall in the face of increased attacks by the fascist Zionist government of Israel and its military supplier the U.S. Israel has declared permanent annexation of the Golan Heights which is part of Syria. The Golan Heights has oil, water and access to the sea.  Israel is also talking about annexing the illegally occupied West Bank.  At the same time, they are raining down bombs on Gaza, all while depriving its residents of water, electricity and medical supplies.  This shows that Israeli Zionism is nothing more than a Nazi-like racist ideology with imperialist designs.  Every worker needs to stand with and show solidarity with the beleaguered Palestinian people.

Jewish Supporters of Palestinians Stand with Congresswoman Ilhan Omar

Nazi-loving Trump Is the Problem

The government of Israel is based on killing Palestinians and stealing their land. Israel was set up by Britain after World War II, and now the US pays for Israel’s military to bully other countries in the Middle East and steal oil and land from Palestine, Syria, Lebanon and even Egypt. Before Israel was “founded,” the area was known as historic Palestine and many Jews, Muslims and Christians lived in the area, sharing the land. But for decades the U.S. has given Israel billions in taxpayer money so that Israel can help the US also steal land and oil from innocent, working class people.

One of the ways the U.S. and Israel work together to take taxpayer money out of healthcare, education and even our ability to drink clean water from our pipes is through lobbying and special interest groups. One of the most powerful lobby groups in the U.S. is called the American Israeli Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC). AIPAC was recently called out by Somali-American Rep. Ilhan Omar. Congresswoman Omar was attacked right away by Republicans and Democrats and called anti-Jewish. In the U.S., anytime someone speaks out about Israel, politicians on both sides will try shut people up by calling them anti-Jewish. This includes criminalizing the Boycott Divestment and Sanction movement which simply says if you disagree with Israel, don’t buy or invest in Israeli products or companies.

As a person of Jewish descent, I condemn the racist government of Israel, and alongside me stand thousands of Jews who do so as well. But the media never allows Jewish people who do not agree with Israel to tell our story. We stand with Congresswoman Omar. She is criticizing a government and never said anything hateful about Jewish people, unlike Trump and his allies. Trump called Nazis who chanted “Jews Out” in Charlottesville “fine individuals.” Their support for Israel is still about imperialism and taking over other countries so that rich American politicians, Democrats and Republicans alike, can profit at any cost.

Long live Palestine! Down with Zionism!

Stop the Israeli War on Gaza!

By C.T.

Gaza is referred to as the largest open air prison in the world by human rights organizations and freedom fighters globally, but what does this description really mean? What do we know about how truly dire the conditions in Gaza are, and what can the people of Gaza teach us about surviving an ongoing genocide?

Gaza has been under a blockade by both Egypt and the illegitimate state of Israel since 2007. Both Israel and Egypt receive billions of dollars from the United States to serve as guard-dogs for imperialist interests in the Middle East. Israel has led assaults on the people of Gaza several times a year for over a decade by way of US military aid.

For over a decade these attacks have destroyed hospitals, homes, schools, power plants and even the sewage infrastructure in Gaza. Israel’s blockade ensures no one is allowed out, and they closely monitor what is allowed in. Items not allowed into Gaza range from construction materials such as cement, bricks, wood, irrigation materials and pipes to life-saving medicine and even certain foods like chocolate. 98% of Gaza’s water supply is undrinkable, while the remaining 2% is projected to be undrinkable by 2020.

This month Gaza declared there are no more supplies to offer chemotherapy in all of Gaza. Israel has not allowed numbing medication or anesthesia into Gaza since 2017. This means that doctors must choose from the wounded who can be numbed and put to sleep while performing surgeries. This year alone 168 Gazans have been brutally murdered, while the wounded face a battle for survival with dwindling medical supplies.

How are the people of Gaza responding to this ongoing imprisonment and genocide? On August 9, Israel bombed Gaza’s the largest cultural center – Al Mis’hal, killing a pregnant woman and several others who were in the building. The community responded by holding a concert among the rubble the next day, with one performer declaring “The bombing did not stop the music.” Palestinians at the performances said these attacks on infrastructure and life are attacks on Palestinian identity, and this is why Palestinians resist with their culture and dignity as their most lethal weapons against genocide.

All power to the people of Palestine who are steadfast in the liberation of their minds, souls and bodies.

From Nakba to New Orleans: Coming Home is Our Right


By C. T.

On May 15, Students and Workers Against Racism and Militarism (SWARM) held an action to commemorate Nakba. This action included speaking out against Zionist atrocities towards the Palestinian people, funded by U.S. tax dollar, and Trump’s decision to open the U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem, despite an international outcry. ‘Nakba’ in Arabic means ‘catastrophe’. It refers to the mass ethnic cleansing and displacement of over 750,000 Palestinians from their homeland on May 15, 1948. Similarly, Hurricane Katrina was both a “natural” catastrophe and an artificial one. Just like Palestine, New Orleans has been sold off piece by piece in the name of white supremacy and capitalism.

Palestinians have been demonized and pushed off their land for decades. Claiming it was for a safe haven for European Jews (remember the U.S. refused to allow Jewish refugees from Nazism into the U.S.) the real purpose was to set up a military outpost for Western war interests. Palestinians daily face home demolitions, Israeli terror and death. In only two days, 58 Palestinians were murdered and 2,700 injured by Zionist weapons that are bought and paid for by the US.

Similarly, post-Katrina, Black New Orleanians have been robbed of their land and right to return through the closure of public schools, public housing, and erasure of entire neighborhoods in the name of “progress” and “development”. Over 100,000 Black New Orleanians have yet to return home due to the “conservative recovery agenda”, started by George W. Bush, that makes money off of theft of land and denial of our human dignity. Palestinians and New Orleanians have a common enemy: rich white supremacists trying to profit off our misery. From Palestine to New Orleans our roots run deep and we will return!

Jerusalem, the Capital of Palestine

By C. T.

Ahed Tamimi (pictured above) is a 16-year-old Palestinian activist who stood up to Israeli soldiers. The soldiers shot her 14-year-old cousin, Mohammad, in the face with a rubber bullet after firing tear gas canisters directly into the Tamimi’s home. Mohammad had to be put into a medically-induced coma for 72 hours. The Zionist state has jailed Ahed Tamimi, who was unarmed, for confronting the soldiers. She has become an international symbol of Palestinian resistance to occupation and genocide. Free Ahed Tamimi!

“If the olive trees knew the hands that planted them, their oil would become tears.” — Mahmoud Darwish

On December 6, the current U.S. regime declared Jerusalem, one of the oldest cities in the world, to be the capital of the 69 year-old settler-colony of Israel. Since the illegal occupation of Jerusalem in 1967, the zionist entity has demolished 2,000 Palestinian homes, stolen 35% of East Jerusalem’s land for illegal settlements, and denies Palestinians born in Jerusalem citizenship. 75% of Palestinians in East Jerusalem live under the poverty line. 50% of the city’s tax revenue is generated by Palestinians while they receive little to no municipal services.

Further, Palestinians in both East Jerusalem and the West Bank risk their lives on a daily basis to provide the labor that fuels the city’s industry. In addition to risking their lives by crossing checkpoints and working in neighborhoods where settlers carry rifles and work in collusion with the zionist army to hunt Palestinians, their unregulated labor lack a living wage, benefits and labor rights.

Prior to the arrogant US declaration regarding Jerusalem, which the international community has denounced, the US has played a central role in attempting to erase the Palestinian people and their sovereignty. In James Baldwin’s 1979 essay “Open Letter to the Born Again” he writes that “the state of Israel was not created for the salvation of the Jews; it was created for the salvation of the Western interests”.

The West has been successful for decades in perpetuating the myth that this is a religious conflict rather than the active theft of land and resources. In 2016 alone, the Obama regime promised $38 billion dollars in military aid to the zionist entity. The U.S.’s interests in positioning the zionist entity as a military watchdog in the Middle East has been evident since 1948. Unfortunately for Americans who are not the 1%, US interests do not include education, health care, housing or living wages, let alone recognition of indigenous people’s sovereignty abroad and on US soil.

As the American war machine speeds ahead, so does Palestinian resistance. As the Palestinian Authority has consistently proved itself inadequate in representing the full liberation of Palestine and right of return for all Palestinian refugees, now is the time to support grassroots Palestinian movements from Palestine to New Orleans.

One of the best ways to stand with Palestine is to stop the normalization of zionism across every facet of life. This means joining the Boycott, Divestment and Sanction movement (BDS) that seeks to stop the normalization of zionism in our government, our universities and our supermarkets. This means proactive measures to build liberation movements and strategies with the global Palestinian community. This means listening to Palestinians and letting them take the lead deciding the tactics we use against zionism and US imperialism.

This current effort to displace and erase Palestinian life, culture and resistance is nothing new to a people steadfast in our struggle. From the river to the sea, Palestinians will accept nothing less than the restoration of our rightful place on our land and the right of all Palestinians to return to historic Palestine, including Jerusalem, which has been and will always be the true capital of Palestine!