Sackler Family Pleads Guilty to Deadly Crimes, Gets to Keep their Fortune and No Jail Time

Drug Dealing Billionaires Conspired to Sell More Oxycontin Despite 450,000 Dead from Opioid Overdoses

While thousands go to prisons for long sentences for dealing petty amounts of drugs, the billionaire Sackler family got off with no jail time despite pleading guilty to criminal charges of conspiracy to push Oxycontin—especially to doctors prescribing large amounts. The Sacklers even gave payments to doctors whose “patients” died. The Sacklers are celebrating what is really a win for them, as they siphoned off at least $10 billion from the company which is now in off- shore accounts. So, as they live it up, millions of family members mourn and workers at the company are left wondering whether they have jobs or pensions. This proves once again that prisons are mainly concentration camps for the poor and that the wealth of the rich buys them immunity for the crimes they commit.