In Honor of Black History Month: The Struggle Continues to Remove All Undemocratic Monuments & Symbols of Oppression

By Leon Waters

“Bourgeois democracy, although a great historical advance in comparison with medievalism, always remains, and under capitalism is bound to remain, restricted, truncated, false and hypocritical, a paradise for the rich and a snare and deception for the exploited, for the poor.”


Following the counter-revolutionary overthrow of the Louisiana Black Reconstruction government and its white radical allies (1870-1890’s), the former oppressor class was brought back to power; to political power, which is state power. The restoration of the oppressor class, which could no longer maintain chattel slavery, could now, in alliance with the former Northern adversary, jointly move forward in rebuilding Louisiana with ‘free labor’ or ‘wage labor’. The former Northern ally, the Republican Party, with its growing millionaire industrial class, would now betray the newly freed African people and conciliate to the new form of political rule, or state rule: Jim Crow. With its vicious ideology of white supremacy, the erection and proliferation of white chauvinist, white supremacist monuments, statues, markers, tombstones, fleur de lis, and other racist symbols would rise. These symbols represent the restoration of white supremacy rule, or the white supremacist dictatorship of the rich over the laboring masses, especially the Black masses who suffer from a double burden of oppression.

Like the whole United States, New Orleans society is divided into classes: the class of the rich millionaires and billionaires and the class of the poor workers, unemployed and incarcerated. The rich live a fine luxury life by paying low wages, piecemeal wages, poverty wages or, in some cases, no wages to the thousands of laboring masses. In order to maintain their system of thievery, the rich exercise their rule through control of the state and control of the state machinery-an organ of force, an organ of coercive rule, unrestricted by any law. The Tom Bensons, Marriotts, Entergy, etc. call this form of rule ‘democracy’.

The media flunkeys of the rich, i.e., the Times Picayune, WDSU television, Essence magazine, and all the intellectual flunkeys of the rich, Harvard, Tulane, LSU, etc. insist that our ‘democracy’ is the greatest expression of liberty, equality and freedom in the world.
The struggle to establish the democracy of the people, for the people and by the people, socialism, is really a struggle to establish a democracy of the majority, a struggle that must be waged to defeat the sham democracy of the rich, the democracy of the numerical few. What would Genuine Democracy look like? Once the class of millionaires and billionaires has been overthrown, once their resistance has been crushed, and once the bureaucratic machine of bourgeois state power has been smashed, the laboring masses can then erect a new state machinery to govern society. This new state, this new form of rule that represents the rule of the laboring people, will begin to reorganize a new economy by seizing the means of production, (factories, docks, hotels,) and capital (banks, financial institutions) and transforming them into the public property of the state, and hence, the laboring masses. These steps will end the exploitation of the laboring masses because the rich will no longer have control and a new economy can be organized and planned based on the needs of the laboring masses. The masses can then be drawn into the administration of the whole new state, trained and educated in the management of their new state power.

The New Orleans City Council would cease to be a ‘talking body’ and actually become a ‘working body’ for the genuine benefit of the laboring masses.

Institutions, including the schools, legislative bodies, courts, jails, and all other governing bodies would be converted into institutions of the laboring masses that suppress the rule of the rich millionaires and billionaires and their lackeys. The laboring masses would, obviously, establish a new legal framework, a new constitution that outlaws exploitation, all forms of oppression, including all forms and symbols of white supremacy.

New monuments, statues, markers, etc. that reflect the victory of the formerly oppressed over the oppressors would be erected widely to replace the current shameful reactionary monuments and street names today. The fight for democracy, true democracy, real democracy for the majority is part of the fight to defeat the rule of the rich today. Let us learn the lessons from the past. When George Washington and company got rid of English domination in 1783, they rightly made a clean sweep of all symbols of British oppression. They knew that if such symbols remained, the hand of reaction would be strengthened and oppression would not be eliminated. They tore down all statues of King George. The same should be done today!




Leon A. Waters is a well known Black history expert. Born and raised in New Orleans, he has been a shipyard worker, a steel worker, a chemical worker, a custodian, a postal worker, a textile worker, a delivery man and a salesman during his life.

Solidarity With BARE NOLA

In the New Orleans Workers Group, we believe in the political power of workers united together in struggle. We proudly support all the workers of New Orleans, recently deemed the #1 tourist destination in the world by the NY times. We salute BARE NOLA and all the workers organized against the recent raids on Bourbon St. clubs.

We recognize these raids as an attempt by the ruling class to separate women into legitimate and illegitimate classes. They think that they can get away with it because these clubs aren’t grocery stores, factories, or warehouses. These claims are flimsy excuses that rely solely on stigma and disorganization to work. They expect to be able to walk in and delegitimize these workers in the eyes of the city.

They expect to be able to attack without meeting organized resistance. The only ones they have delegitimized are themselves. Yesterday they were bold enough to parade their so-called “victory” on Bourbon and hold ceremony in front of the city.

Because of the resistance of the workers, Landrieu hid like a coward and the tourism board was made to look foolish.

The ruling class relies on a narrative that this city is full of vulnerable people broken by a storm, uneducated and needing to be watched for their own good; that the most vulnerable of these people are the marginalized women on Bourbon, forced into work against their will. Those organizing against these raids are not vulnerable women, but a group of women united, understanding their collective power.

For the New Orleans Workers Group, the recent ATC raids on the workers of Bourbon St. amount to nothing more than a cruel and illegitimate act of repression. Under the guise of a moral campaign against sex trafficking, these raids are a cynical effort by the ruling class to remake Bourbon St. according to their interests, without the slightest consideration for the workers who have earned them billions in profits.

We reject the so-called “moral authority” of Covenant House, an institution that advocates for laws that criminalize the youth they pretend to serve. We reject the conclusions reached in the APLV study of 2016, which was fabricated in order to bolster the case of real estate developers and their unceasing drive to make New Orleans a playground for the rich. Most importantly we recognize this campaign as an attack on the rights of women workers, LGBTQ workers, and non-white workers.

The city and the tiny class of owners whose interests it represents invoke a sexist “morality” in one breath as they pretend to defend the interests of women in the other. The Workers Group rejects any attempt to divide the city’s workers, and we denounce as criminal the firing of hundreds of our fellow workers. As fellow members of the working class, we stand in solidarity with the dancers and other workers fighting back against these raids. #letusdancenola

Operation PUSH: Florida Prisoners Plan Strike

Prisoners spread throughout the Florida Department of Corrections have announced a strike starting on MLK Day. The strike is aimed at undermining the exploitative, racist prison system. The prisoners have contacted the Gainesville chapter of the Incarcerated Workers Organizing Committee (IWOC) and the national Campaign to Fight Toxic Prisons with a list of demands. These include

  1. Payment for our labor, rather than the current slave arrangement
  2. Ending outrageous canteen prices
  3. Reintroducing parole incentives to lifers

Secondary goals:

  • Honor the moratorium on state executions, as a court ordered the state to do, without the legal loophole now being used to kill prisoners on death row.
  • Stop the overcrowding and acts of brutality committed by officers throughout FDOC which have resulted in the highest death rates in prison history.
  • Expose the extreme environmental conditions we face, including mold, contaminated water, and being placed next to toxic sites .

More info at

Tax Bill is an Attack on Workers – We Must Fight Back

By Gregory William

The Republican tax overhaul is the most sweeping change in the U.S. tax system in over 30 years. The bill is complex, but overall it is designed to make the rich richer. For example, the corporate tax rate drops from 35% to 21%. The Trump family and other billionaires will also reap huge savings because of changes to the estate tax; individuals can shelter up to $11.2 million in assets from estate taxes, and couples can shelter up to $22.4 million.

Perhaps more importantly, the tax cuts will increase federal debt, giving Republicans an excuse to cut healthcare, housing programs, programs for children, the elderly, and disabled including Social Security and Medicare. In short, their agenda is to attack the poor and working class, outright stealing from ordinary, struggling people. These programs are run using our tax money. They are not “entitlements,” except in the sense that, yes, we are entitled to what is already ours. We know that this will come down especially hard on people of color, LGBT folk, immigrants, the elderly, and women.

It is likely that we are entering a period of increased hardship and austerity. However, we should be clear that these policies are not coming out of nowhere. This is a continuation of a 40+-year trend. We are under the shadow of the great reversal. Even in supposedly progressive countries like France and Canada, the capitalist class has systematically attacked the social programs that workers fought for tooth and nail. Worldwide, wealth and resources are more and more being redistributed to the top.

A new U.N. report has confirmed what we already knew: Extreme poverty is prevalent in the U.S. and rising. Philip Alston, the report’s author, has said that in the U.S “if you’re born poor, guess where you’re going to end up – poor.”

This situation did not suddenly come about when Trump was elected. Inequality has risen through Republican and Democratic presidencies, and regardless of which party controlled Congress. The people have long given the Democratic Party the benefit of the doubt. But time and again, they have shown that their allegiance is to the billionaire class. It was Obama who bailed out Wall St., leaving the people behind in the so-called economic recovery following the financial crash. And the Democrats overwhelmingly voted in favor of the recent $700 billion military budget (more money for war profiteers means less money for workers).

We cannot afford to keep putting our faith in the Democrats. In this period of increasing inequality and oppression, we must focus on building up our own organizations and movements, truly independent of the Democratic Party. Most of all, it is necessary that we build a revolutionary movement to overthrow capitalism itself. We must fight for socialism.

Trump Threatens World With Nuclear War


By Dylan Borne

It’s very clear that everyone in Korea wants peace. On January 2nd, North Korea offered an olive branch to the South: they asked to attend the 2018 Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang, South Korea. South Korea accepted and responded with its own offer—diplomatic talks— which the North accepted. To many Koreans, peace and reunification might be possible.

Yet the United States government, controlled by its capitalist ruling class, continues to press for war. Korea sits on trillions of dollars’ worth of mineral wealth and tens of millions of laborers. The rich that run the US see them like they see their workers— as possible resources. And the US government is stopping at nothing to wage war to take those resources. That’s why:

  • It’s the US, not North or South Korea, that split the country by imposing the 38th parallel in 1945 (a divide and conquer approach)
  • It’s the US that continues to occupy the peninsula with almost 30,000 troops and forced the South to give the US permission in their constitution (Koreans can’t even call their country their own!)
  • It’s the US that continues to make nuclear threats (Trump screaming “my nuclear button is bigger!”)

The corporate media has no right to make North Koreans look like they’re the ones that are war-crazy. Nor does it have a right to make it look like the South supports the US government. The US has over 4,600 nuclear weapons and North Korea has no more than 20. Koreans in the South have been protesting every part of the US military occupation for decades. North Korea pledged that it would never strike first in nuclear war, and it even promised it would stop testing weapons if only the US stopped conducting military drills. But the US refuses when Koreans on both sides ask for peace.

The ruling class in the US wants war for the same reason that it wants to raise our rents and lower our wages: money and wealth. Every bullet, rifle, tank, missile, and warship commissioned by the US military adds to arms contractors’ profits. That’s not even counting all the looting US corporations could do after a war. And our taxes pay for it all. Meanwhile, the rich line their pockets, workers still live from paycheck to paycheck, and the government’s so focused on war that it hasn’t done a thing for our roads or schools.

The Workers Group stands in solidarity with the people of Korea, both for their sake and so we can see money being spent on workers at home.

Let’s see schools built before the next bomb.

Workers, Activists Beware: Do Not Put Your Hopes in Mueller

By Gavrielle Gemma

Every day, the Trump administration ramps up the danger of nuclear war and environmental destruction. Trump has endorsed white supremacy and homophobia, violence against women, a militarized police, an incarceration bonanza, imperialist war, and is pushing to add to the obscene accumulation of wealth of the rich through a tax cut while starving people, destroying Medicaid and Medicare, threatening social security and waging an anti-union, anti-worker war — all for which Trump deserves to be put in jail.

But we are to docilely clap while a former FBI director announces a few indictments for dealings with Russia? Mueller’s job is to discipline the Trump administration into accepting the general direction of the capitalist ruling class. His job is to misdirect the anti-Trump struggle into a safe, legalistic dispute that does not threaten the empire. In fact, the Liberals are attacking Trump from the right.

While the whole Russia-gate is a distraction, it is important for activists to know the truth. The U.S. / NATO military and economic alliance has taken over Eastern Europe, privatizing for profit the national assets of these countries, impoverishing the people and destroying their rights. Military bases encircle Russia on its border. In 2014, Obama/Clinton engineered a coup to oust the elected head of the Ukraine after he declared neutrality in trade with the U.S. and Russia, and the US installed a swastika flying junta in Kiev that is bombing the anti-fascist resistance with U.S. weapons.

Russia’s crimes are that it did not turn over all its assets to U.S. corporations or allow U.S. bases into the country and maintained its independence from the U.S. Wall Street views this as the unfinished counter-revolution. The Putin administration has its own ambitions in trade and capitalist development, which is its right. The progressive movement in Russia will deal with Putin on other issues.

The wing of the capitalist class that wants outright takeover of Russia is pitted against the Trump supporters who want to make a deal with Russia. But both want nothing more than to exploit the region, seeking not to protect human rights but to expand the rights of corporations and the protections they enjoy from the legion of US military bases abroad. They would love to control all Russia’s wealth.

Occasionally, we hear comparisons to 1974 when Nixon resigned. At that time, the U.S. was losing the war in Vietnam and at home, and millions in the U.S. were becoming class-conscious revolutionaries. Wall Street had to channel his ouster into safe ways by focusing on the Watergate burglary rather than the deeper crisis of capitalism and divisions in the ruling class. So Nixon was not charged with genocide. Nor was he indicted for his illegal June meeting of the FBI, CIA, NSA, etc. in an attempt at an outright military takeover of the government, but with LYING. Sound familiar?

The present quiet in the mass struggle is temporary as capitalism is on a massive drive towards more war, poverty and racist attacks. We must cast off illusions or faith in the capitalists to cure their own diseases and resist them diverting us from the real issues. The coming independent struggle of the workers and oppressed, globally and in the U.S., is being born as we write.

Communist Party of the Philippines

Closing out 2017, the Communist Party of the Philippines and the New People’s Army celebrate the 49th anniversary of the party’s refoundation, vowing to overthrow the U.S.-backed dictatorship of Rodrigo Duterte. Duterte has come under fire for the use of arbitrary arrest, torture, indefinite detention, and massacre of suspected revolutionaries and legal social activists, while carrying out a revved-up drug war resulting in thousands of extrajudicial killings. Trump has lavished praise on Duterte, saying that he is doing an “unbelievable job,” while courting the Philippine leader as an ally against North Korea. The CPP calls on all democratic forces in the country to oust the brutal, pro-imperialist regime.

Universal Healthcare in Bolivia

The Bolivian government plans to move ahead with implementing universal healthcare in 2018. Evo Morales, president of the South American country, said that “Life is sacred and by the Political Constitution of the Plurinational State, now health is a fundamental human right, and we are going to implement this universal health insurance with the support of all the Bolivian people.”

Trans People Excluded from Capitalist Society

By Sally Jane Black

The law provides little protection for trans people. In New Orleans, a recent poll showed that 87% of black trans women had been sexually harassed or assaulted by members of NOPD, and across the nation, the police and other authorities do little to prevent crime against trans people. Since January 2017, 28 trans people have been murdered in the United States, including two in New Orleans. Almost all of them have been people of color. Almost none of their killers have been brought to justice. Furthermore, over 40% of trans people attempt to kill themselves. These statistics do not take into account trans people who are not out, or whose families hide their identities after they died. The real numbers are much higher.

Across the board, trans people have been excluded from capitalist society. Trans people are at higher risk of being homeless, bullied, abandoned by their families, or denied healthcare services or jobs. “Right to work” states, which target all workers, make it possible for trans people to be fired for being trans. Health insurance policies routinely classify necessary medical treatments as ineligible for coverage, for the few trans people who can afford insurance.
Meanwhile, in socialist Cuba, the government has created the National Center for Sex Education (CENESEX) to advocate tolerance and educate the population on issues of gender, sexuality, and sex. Despite the fact that trans people make up a small percentage of the island’s population, the Cuban government has made promoting support for trans people a priority, and healthcare for trans people—including hormone treatments and surgery—is provided free within the nation’s universal healthcare system.

The contrast between the response from Cuba and the United States could not be starker. The ruling class in the United States sees trans people as a prop to be used to inspire infighting in all who resist it; the Cuban people seek to embrace all members of their society. Transphobia is an inherent part of the capitalist patriarchy; it will not be defeated and we will not be safe until capitalism is gone.