The People Will Bury the Fascists with Mass Struggle

Pentagon & Capitalist Rulers Allowed the Storming of the Capitol

Mandatory Credit: Photo by William Volcov/Shutterstock (9973296d) Protest against fascism and anti-Semitism on the Upper East Side on Manhattan Island in New York Anti-Semitism and Facism protest, New York, USA – 10 Nov 2018 Three protesters were arrested

The only thing more disgusting than the fascists who stormed the Capitol is the big business media endlessly replaying and publicizing their victory. Corporations and politicians are given airtime to claim their opposition but they have been and still are the main source of funding and support for the fascists. The fascists are celebrating the endless replay of them entering and holding the Capitol for four hours while they paraded around their racists Nazi signs and slogans. This has emboldened them to undertake further actions which they are again openly planning, this time with more focus on the seats of state governments.

Let’s be clear: this was allowed to happen not because a few Capitol police were sympathetic to the fascists (given a choice, the police will always side with the fascists). Evidence shows that the government and the Pentagon, at the highest levels, decided in advance to allow the scene at the Capitol to give the fascists a victory.

This violent assault was planned openly for weeks. They were allowed into D.C. and allowed to go to the Capitol. The Mayor had asked for troops and Trump and others were on the phone with the generals delaying. The Mayor certainly did not delay it. Even when a mere 340 National Guard troops were finally okayed, they stayed away from the Capitol until 5:15 PM.

Whether this was meant to be a dress rehearsal or more, it was not an insurrection with millions rising up for them. But it was certainly a step forward in the building of a fascist movement.

Fascism is not just a bad set of policies, it’s a bludgeon used to rescue capitalist profit.

Fascism is not just a bad policy cured by “good” politicians. It is a way to defend profits at a time when the capitalist system is in crisis. The German Nazi regime was a capitalist government dedicated to preventing workers’ power in the face of a depression. It was used to crush workers’ support of socialism.

In periods of relative stability, politicians take advantage of the low consciousness of workers to promote faith in capitalist democracy. But when deception fails, when they can no longer fool workers into believing that billionaires deserve private islands while millions of children starve, they will resort to open terrorism. This is what the history of fascism teaches us.

Independence from Democratic Party is urgent

It’s important to fight any setback, especially against the fascists. We must defend every right that we’ve won through struggle. The issue is how. We cannot depend on the Democratic party because they ultimately answer to their capitalist backers. They fund liberal and fascist politicians, one more than the other depending on which way the winds blow.

Even Biden admitted that Trump’s white supremacist shock troops were treated with kid gloves while Black Lives Matter protesters were met with brutal repression. But his answer is to call for “equal treatment before the law” as if Nazis and anti-racists were equal. Biden’s plan to “Unite America” is just another way of saying that he can work with the right-wing forces as long as they don’t give Wall Street the jitters.

Mass Mobilizations are more important than ever

The U.S. ‘left’ wasted four years waiting for the Democratic party until the tremendous Black Lives Matter protests broke out over the summer. As Workers Voice pointed out often, this was four years that Trump used to build his fascist movement. Anti-Trumpism was reduced to ridiculing the man himself, ignoring how effective Trump’s ploys were among many backwards workers. We urged mass street mobilizations to oust Trump. Even if he were replaced by Pence, the balance of power in the class struggle would have propelled the movement forward.

There’s no better time to hit the streets than now. Leave the parties of Wall Street and the Pentagon behind. The only force capable of defeating fascism is the collective power of working and oppressed people, united in motion. United, we can never be defeated.

Biden Installed Fascists in Ukraine in 2014

Trump’s Gone – Good.
Don’t Count on Biden to Fight Fascism.

December 7, 2015, Ukraine’s President Petro Poroshenko welcomes Joe Biden to Kiev, Ukraine.

On January 6, hours after the fascist storming of the Capitol, Biden was delivering a speech about this “unprecedented assault” on democracy. But Biden’s actions the day before make a mockery of this statement. On January 5, Biden announced his pick of Victoria Nuland for the position of undersecretary of political affairs. Nuland was Asst. Secretary of State in the Obama/Biden/Clinton regime. In this role she was tasked with toppling the elected government of Ukraine because they refused to cut ties with Russia and because Ukraine had resisted the building up of NATO military bases in their country.

In 2014, the U.S. got the coup they were hoping for and Nuland along with Senator John McCain could be seen at right wing rallies, standing shoulder to shoulder with openly neo-Nazi groups celebrating the overturning of the Ukrainian government. A leaked 2014 phone conversation between Nuland and U.S. Ambassador Geoffrey Pyatt revealed that they’d planned the coup and had even hand-picked leaders who would serve U.S. business interests.

In order to carry out the coup, Nuland and her co-conspirators relied on fascist militias who took over government buildings and drove out the elected government by force. These were the same fascist forces that months later burned 39 people alive when they besieged and set fire to a union building in Odessa. THey hoped this act of terrorism would crush workers’ resistance to their newly installed regime. For more than 7 years they’ve waged a brutal war against antifascists in Eastern Ukraine. This war has been supported by U.S. military personnel and funded with more than $1 billion worth of U.S. taxpayer dollars.

December 6, 2018. Ukrainian president Petro Poroshenko poses for a picture with the members of the Ukrainian military who openly display the “Totenkopf” insignia of the Nazi SS.

Biden and the wealthy capitalists that he serves took advantage of the “business friendly” environment that the fascist government enforced. Formerly state companies were scooped up at fire-sale prices and Ukraine’s rich farmland was raided by Monsanto. Biden’s son was put on the board of a formerly public owned gas company and paid $50,000 a month, just like a member of the Trump Klan.

Mass layoffs followed the privatizing of state industries. Pensioners were cheated out of their retirements on the orders of the U.S. controlled International Monetary Fund (IMF). IN a speech to the Ukrainian parliament Biden urged lawmakers to make the “difficult reforms” that the IMF demanded. Now fascist gangs patrol the streets of Ukraine to repress any resistance to these anti-worker attacks.

Last month a United Nations resolution to “combat the glorification of Nazism, neo-Nazism and other practices that contribute to fueling contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia, and related intolerance.” 130 countries voted in favor of the resolution. The U.S. and Ukraine were the sole votes against. The Democratic Party did not object.

Jan 6, 2021. Fascist inside the Capitol building wears a shirt that reads “Camp Auschwitz,” a reference to the Nazi death camp where 1.1 million people were exterminated.

What is Antifa? It Means Anti-Fascist

It is we, the People – Black, white, Latinx, Asian, Indigenous, workers and students, all genders, all ages, struggling for jobs, better wages, food on our tables, respect, equality, and peace. Antifa means to fight by any means to defend the people against racism and fascism and for workers’ rights. Antifa are those who fought against slavery, workers who fought to defend their unions, mothers who stood up tot he KKK, youth who bravely fought on the front lines in Portland against the same scum who rampaged in Washington D.C.

Millions of U.S. workers took up arms against the fascists in WWII. They were Antifa.

While the U.S. government entered the war to gain colonies and profits, and U.S. capitalists helped fund Hitler, millions of workers from the U.S. and around the world took up guns against the German Nazis during WWII. They lost their lives fighting to smash Nazi fascism. They were Antifa.

Who are fascists? Cowardly puppets whose strings are pulled by super rich right wing funders who hate working people and use them to do their dirty work. Fascists are the cowards who are too afraid to fight the real enemies of the people. They want a government of billionaires, with stormtroopers terrorizing all. Trump is a racist, fascist in chief, and mass murderer of the people, who from his golden toilet, waited on by servants, tells his fascist tools what to do on behalf of his wealthy friends.

Trump has blamed violence in Washington D.C. on Antifa and Black Lives Matter protesters. Liberals put equal signs between us and the fascists. Some say the fascists were just people with “complaints.” This is dangerous. Fascists and white supremacists are people who are puppets for the ultra-rich capitalists they claim to hate. Donald Trump, whose father was a member of the KKK, is a slum lord and a crook, surrounded by racist war mongering maniacs. He steals our taxes, hates, despises, and spits on working people. They will never win if we the working class unite to defeat them!

Trump and Modi Unleash Fascist Violence in India Socialists Organize Fightback

The Dehli Solidarity and Relief Committee volunteers went to areas affected by the attacks to provide relief work and to survey affected areas and families. Brinda Karat (center) met the grieving family of Faizan, a Muslim man, who had been beaten and made to sing the national anthem while he was in a seriously injured condition. The Dehli police kept him in their custody instead of allowing him treatment. He was released when his condition became critical. Later he succumbed to his injuries.

By Gregory William

At the end of February, Trump spent two days in India, being regaled at lavish events by far-right president, Narendra Modi. They held a mass rally at a sports stadium in Gujarat, where Trump declared that the two countries are united in a fight against “radical Islamic terrorism.” But this is an extreme distortion of what both the Indian and U.S. governments are doing, and we must call this event what it was: a fascist rally.

While Trump was in the country whipping up hatred, at least 40 people were killed and thousands injured as anti-Muslim violence swept the streets of Delhi. Mosques, Muslim-owned businesses, and homes were set on fire, and multiple people were burned alive or lynched. These events parallel Kristallnacht (Night of Broken Glass), a wave of anti-Jewish violence unleashed by the Nazis in November 1938. This was a prelude to the Holocaust.

Since coming to power in 2014, Modi has carried out assaults on workers on behalf of big business, pushing through cuts to healthcare, education, and more. All the while, he has stirred up ethnic conflict. Hate crimes in India dramatically spiked, as in the U.S. after Trump’s election. In December 2019, the Indian parliament passed a citizenship law that discriminates against Muslims. They have imposed military occupation on the semi-autonomous, Muslim majority states of Jammu and Kashmir.

Trump and Modi are birds of a feather and are leaders in the right-wing nationalist movement that is happening in many countries. Both have nothing to offer the masses of the people except division and hatred. This only benefits the ultra-rich who would rather see workers fighting each other than fighting against them.

In opposition to the violence, socialist and communist parties organized demonstrations across India, from Kerala to Kolkata. The parties have also organized aid for those affected. For example, the Communist Party of India (Marxist) has organized solidarity and relief committees that are collecting funds and working directly with victims.

“Ukraine-Gate” Hides Real Ukraine Scandal in Plain Sight

Ukrainian troops with the NATO flag, the flag of the Azov battalion, and the Nazi swastika.

By Joseph Rosen

Instead of charging Trump with sexual assault or incitement of hate crimes or crimes against humanity, the Democrats have centered their impeachment inquiry around the allegation that Trump withheld nearly $400 million worth of military aid to Ukraine in order to press the current government for dirt on his potential rival, Joe Biden. Practically no voice among the capitalist owned media has been raised to point out the fact that this aid is destined for a military with openly fascist Neo-Nazis militias in its ranks.

The recent history of U.S. involvement in Ukraine incriminates both Biden and Trump
Since the fall of the Soviet Union and the dissolution of the Soviet Bloc, the U.S. ruling class has been determined to gain unfettered access to the human and natural resources of the former socialist republics. But Ukraine’s longstanding commercial and cultural ties to a sovereign Russia have been a barrier to U.S. domination.

Eager to replace a relatively Russian-aligned government with one that would more readily yield to U.S. colonial desires, the U.S. State Dept. and CIA leapt at the chance to lend their support to an insurrection against the elected government of Viktor Yanukovych in 2013/2014. That the 2014 coup was carried out by violent Neo-Nazi gangs did not bother Obama, Clinton, or Biden in the least. All they wanted was a Ukraine “open for U.S. business.”

Since the coup, state companies have been sold off at fire-sale liquidations and the country’s rich farmland has been raided by transnational agribusiness firms like Monsanto. Mass layoffs have caused a surge in unemployment. The government has deployed fascist street gangs to repress any resistance to these widespread attacks on workers.

Per the demands of the U.S., the post-coup government has pledged to phase out much of its business with Russia. More alarmingly, they have taken steps towards entry into the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) which is carrying out war games closer and closer to Russia’s borders.

Ukrainian Prime Minister Olesky Honcharuk speaking at a Neo-Nazi rally on Oct. 13.

End all U.S. military aid to the fascist Ukrainian government
At least $1.5 billion of U.S. taxpayer money has been used to supply the fascist Ukrainian government with arms and military equipment since 2014. This “aid” supports Neo-Nazi militias such as the Azov battalion who have welcomed American white supremacist terrorists into their training grounds. The government of Ukraine’s capital Kiev officially sanctions patrols by the Neo-Nazi militia C14, who have carried out pogroms against Roma communities and violent attacks on LGBT people.

Since 2014 more than 13,000 people have been killed and hundreds of thousands more have been displaced in a war on the People’s Republic of Donetsk and the People’s Republic of Luhansk, both formed in the Donbass region after seceding from Ukraine in the wake of the right-wing coup.

Because the Donbass remains a bulwark against the building up of offensive U.S./NATO forces, they receive limited support from the Russian government. But the main reason that the people of the Donbass continue their armed struggle against the fascists is that they reject the privatizations, pension cuts, and plant closures that Kiev is carrying out on behalf of the U.S. and E.U. capitalists in charge of the International Monetary Fund.

Workers in the U.S. don’t have any interest in common with gangsters like Biden or Trump, much less with the war profiteers or bankers that they work for. The capitalists’ recent record in Ukraine shows that they regard fascism as just another means to exploit and steal from working and oppressed people. If the U.S. ruling class doesn’t shrink from arming swastika-wearing soldiers in the Ukraine, they’re not likely to withhold arms from the fascists at home. We workers must organize to root out and smash the fascists wherever they exist; we can’t leave it up to any capitalist government to do that for us.

“No Union for Fascists” – Sioux Falls AFL-CIO Bans Fascists

The working class movement and fascism have always been opposed to one another. Even though fascists make appeals to sections of the working class – particularly white workers – this is never more than empty rhetoric; for all of Donald Trump’s talk about blue collar workers and reviving coal country, we can see that his administration has done everything they can to undermine workers’ rights, to the benefit of the bosses. Fascism and white supremacy are props that hold up the power of the capitalist class. Fascist power hurts workers, but workers’ power is the weapon that smashes fascism and white supremacy!

The AFL-CIO in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, has reaffirmed this truth. This union local recently amended their constitution, officially banning all fascists and white supremacists from the organization. This move was meant to coincide with the one-year anniversary of the death of Heather Heyer, a union member murdered by a fascist organizer at the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville.

In a message on their website, Sioux Falls AFL-CIO president, Kooper Caraway, stated: “It is our duty to let our fellow workers know that Fascism, White Supremacy, and its organizations have only ever existed to divide us as workers and do the dirty work of the Boss Class. The White Nationalists have always been bought and paid for by those in power, they exist not to fight for any ideal, but to destroy the progress made by us as working class people. That is why the Sioux Falls AFLCIO voted to Ban all Fascists and White Supremacists from our organization.”

In the statement, Caraway cited the long history of struggle between labor unions and the Klan. In the Jim Crow era, hundreds of union organizers were murdered by the Klan. On the other hand – together with civil rights and black liberation organizations – unions have historically helped to keep the power of the Klan and other vile reactionaries in check

Why Is the U.S. Targeting Russia?

By Gavrielle Gemma

Like a ventriloquist’s dummy the monopolized for-profit media, with all their ties to the military, repeats lies told to set the stage for bombing one country after another. It must be countered by destroying the collective amnesia that seems to have sunk into some “opposition” quarters. We are all familiar with lies told about Vietnam, Iraq, Panama, and Grenada. Edward Snowden exposed how the U.S. government hacks into every country’s government, as well as our personal email and social media, including under Obama.

Volumes have been written about U.S. interference in the elections of countries worldwide, carrying out coups installing fascist puppet governments. Why single out Russia which is now surrounded by U.S. and NATO bases and warships? Because they want to set the stage for a war with Russia to occupy that country, take their resources, and subjugate the people.  Look at Eastern Europe with extreme right-wing, even openly Nazi governments, which are colonies of the U.S., hosting its bases, destroying the rights and living standards of the people. These governments, like Saudi Arabia enjoy praise from Democrats and Republicans. Does that not expose the fact that it is material aims, not the character of a government that draws U.S. bombers?


During the rise of Nazism liberal legislators kept voting for war budgets and compromise. While workers were sounding the alarm that it was either workers’ revolution or fascism, loyalty to capitalism at all cost governed the liberals.

Nazism was a capitalist government backed by capitalists globally. Capitalism’s (Nazism) aim was to prevent revolution by the European working class, to destroy the Russian revolution, and to enslave countries as colonies.

The U.S. entered the war only after the Soviet Union, which lost 30 million people resisting the Nazis, had triumphed and the Red Army was marching across Europe. (This is seared into the Russian consciousness) The U.S. stepped in as a replacement for Nazi generals with the Marshall Plan to crush revolutions, install military forces and take part in the colonial occupation of large areas of the world. Freedom, democracy and revulsion of the Nazi Holocaust had nothing to do with it. Since then the U.S. under both Republican and Democratic administrations has trained, funded and installed fascist governments in Chile, Egypt, South Africa, Israel, Saudi Arabia, and more.

Ask the Palestinian people being massacred by Israel, a fascist apartheid government backed by billions of dollars and supported wholly by Democrats and Republicans which sees Israel as its closest nuclear ally to threaten all the people in the Middle East. Ask the people of the Ukraine which Obama and Hillary Clinton imposed by coup a Nazi government in Kiev, murdering anti-fascist resistance fighters in Eastern Ukraine. This government is from a party called Svoboda, which honors veterans of the Waffen SS’s local Halychyna Brigade, a unit which was constituted in 1943 to counteract the Soviets.

All the sanctimonious talk by the monsters of imperialism about Putin’s authoritarian regime is hogwash, and blaming Russian interference for Trump’s presidency is self-serving claptrap. The people of Russia are organizing and want no part of U.S. interference or an imperialist invasion. Demonizing a country and its leaders, who used to be its friends, is their script as pretext for war.

Every worker needs to know that both the Democratic and Republicans are the parties of Wall Street, and it’s us against them. We are at a dangerous moment in time internationally and at home. The first weapon we have is truth.

Anti-Fascism in Italy

In early February, reflecting the reemergence of fascism in Italy and across Europe, a man was detained after driving around Rome shooting black pedestrians. This sparked a massive wave of anti-fascist protests in Italy throughout February, with hundreds of thousands of Italians taking to the streets under the slogan “Never Again Fascism.”