Ring the Alarm Bells of Global War!


We hold the US presidents, generals and Wall Street responsible for the endless imperialist wars. After all, they make big money from it.
They carry out genocidal terror on people in other countries, creating millions of refugees and causing the starvation of more. They scapegoat immigrants and breed racism in this country. They lie to cover their deeds. They steal from the public treasury (our taxes) and cut our social programs to enrich themselves. Their bank vaults are overflowing with war profits, blood money. And whichever party is in the White house, Democrats or Republicans, both are parties of Wall Street who pursue profit above all else.

We expect more from progressives. Many people who should know better are following the Democratic Party in a blind stampede to hang their hats on anything that attacks Trump- including a dangerous and deceptive campaign of blaming everything on Russia.

There is no lack of REAL things to expose and attack Trump for (like his war mongering and his criminal budget-cuts that steal from the poor) that the masses of people can understand, as we are his victims. The Democrats have chosen this Russia-blaming path because it is a dead-end that will never lead to any real change.

Now a few Democrats are condemning Trump’s recent brutal bombing of Syria because of its illegality, but not the root-causes of the bombing. If Congress voted to approve the bombing (not done during Obama/Clinton bombings), would that make it OK?

These are all wars of U.S. aggression. Working people have no interest in them; only the rich do. The capitalists use them as an excuse to take away our rights of privacy and expression, in the name of a false “National Security”. Real security comes from having good healthcare, housing and education; all of which is threatened by increasing military spending. War is the greatest assault on the working class: THIS is what we must expose to the people of the U.S.

The U.S. capitalist ruling class has only one goal – maximizing profit at any cost. The system is standing on feet of clay only propped up by trillions of tax payer dollars to bailout banks, shamelessly looting the treasury to funnel profits to war corporations, and cutting taxes to the super-rich. Like a wounded beast it’s charging in every direction raining down destruction across the globe and at home. Congress is a millionaire’s club. Their campaign contributions are nothing but bribes. Some say go slow, others are for ripping the heart out of all benefits at once.

Many believe the hype that working class people are all for flag waving endless war. But if they were to stand on a street corner with a petition and talk to workers they would find there is no monolithic belief in any of it. If we ignore talking with, listening and organizing workers, putting faith instead in the other party of Wall Street and the Pentagon – the Democratic Party, we are doomed.

Even white workers who drank Trump’s Kool-Aid are mired in unpayable debt, low wages, and paying more for every basic need as well as education and health care and can be organized. Sitting in ivory towers and repeating wall street democratic party claptrap will not shake white workers from espousing racism, only organizing them against the capitalist system will.

Recently Trump signed the federal budget. The quick vote was solely for getting more billions to the military. With a few dissenters, Democrats voted for it eagerly as Republicans, (as they both have for decades which is the material basis for the rise of Trump and the right). Why? We all knew that following this would be amendments to the budget calling for sweeping cuts to Medicaid, social security and food stamps.

The government has declared war on the workers at home, seeking to extract every penny from us to put in their bank vaults. Workers can and will stop war and fascism. The Republican and Democratic Party politicians will do anything to prop up profits and their own personal gain. The working class has nothing to gain, and all to lose, from the rich mens imperialist wars.