Why Is the U.S. Targeting Russia?

By Gavrielle Gemma

Like a ventriloquist’s dummy the monopolized for-profit media, with all their ties to the military, repeats lies told to set the stage for bombing one country after another. It must be countered by destroying the collective amnesia that seems to have sunk into some “opposition” quarters. We are all familiar with lies told about Vietnam, Iraq, Panama, and Grenada. Edward Snowden exposed how the U.S. government hacks into every country’s government, as well as our personal email and social media, including under Obama.

Volumes have been written about U.S. interference in the elections of countries worldwide, carrying out coups installing fascist puppet governments. Why single out Russia which is now surrounded by U.S. and NATO bases and warships? Because they want to set the stage for a war with Russia to occupy that country, take their resources, and subjugate the people.  Look at Eastern Europe with extreme right-wing, even openly Nazi governments, which are colonies of the U.S., hosting its bases, destroying the rights and living standards of the people. These governments, like Saudi Arabia enjoy praise from Democrats and Republicans. Does that not expose the fact that it is material aims, not the character of a government that draws U.S. bombers?


During the rise of Nazism liberal legislators kept voting for war budgets and compromise. While workers were sounding the alarm that it was either workers’ revolution or fascism, loyalty to capitalism at all cost governed the liberals.

Nazism was a capitalist government backed by capitalists globally. Capitalism’s (Nazism) aim was to prevent revolution by the European working class, to destroy the Russian revolution, and to enslave countries as colonies.

The U.S. entered the war only after the Soviet Union, which lost 30 million people resisting the Nazis, had triumphed and the Red Army was marching across Europe. (This is seared into the Russian consciousness) The U.S. stepped in as a replacement for Nazi generals with the Marshall Plan to crush revolutions, install military forces and take part in the colonial occupation of large areas of the world. Freedom, democracy and revulsion of the Nazi Holocaust had nothing to do with it. Since then the U.S. under both Republican and Democratic administrations has trained, funded and installed fascist governments in Chile, Egypt, South Africa, Israel, Saudi Arabia, and more.

Ask the Palestinian people being massacred by Israel, a fascist apartheid government backed by billions of dollars and supported wholly by Democrats and Republicans which sees Israel as its closest nuclear ally to threaten all the people in the Middle East. Ask the people of the Ukraine which Obama and Hillary Clinton imposed by coup a Nazi government in Kiev, murdering anti-fascist resistance fighters in Eastern Ukraine. This government is from a party called Svoboda, which honors veterans of the Waffen SS’s local Halychyna Brigade, a unit which was constituted in 1943 to counteract the Soviets.

All the sanctimonious talk by the monsters of imperialism about Putin’s authoritarian regime is hogwash, and blaming Russian interference for Trump’s presidency is self-serving claptrap. The people of Russia are organizing and want no part of U.S. interference or an imperialist invasion. Demonizing a country and its leaders, who used to be its friends, is their script as pretext for war.

Every worker needs to know that both the Democratic and Republicans are the parties of Wall Street, and it’s us against them. We are at a dangerous moment in time internationally and at home. The first weapon we have is truth.