Only One Place for Trump: A Jail Cell

By Gavrielle Gemma

Forget all that claptrap about the Russia investigation. That ignores what by law and decency Trump and his cabinet of war crazy generals, billionaire bankers and capitalists should be indicted for.

He has a deep hatred of the working class, Black, white, Latinx and Asian. He is a danger to humanity and is destroying the planet. His conduct towards women and his policies affecting women are criminal. They’re meant to push us down to domestic servitude. Trump wants to immerse the world in war, possibly nuclear. He is disrupting the peace in Korea, preparing war against Iran by tearing up a treaty the rest of the world wants, and giving a trilliondollar payout to war profiteering corporations. He is most happy when his non-stop racism results in a record number of hate crimes across the U.S.

His main job is to try to infest white workers with racism using vile anti-immigrant rants, and portraying other countries in the most demeaning of terms. But just like the Confederate slaveholders detested poor white southern farmers, so do today’s capitalists detest white workers. They put on a hard hat as they laugh all the way to the bank when the working class is divided.

Trump’s policies are tax cuts for the already filthy rich, to increase their accumulation of wealth to even more obscene levels. For us, the workers, employed and underemployed, of all ages and nationalities, Trump’s goal is to destroy our standard of living to make us desperate. He is aided by his clones in the Louisiana legislature who are cutting every program that we the people have already paid for. That is what fascists do, and they count on people blaming scapegoats rather than them, the cause of all our problems. Every time Trump opens his mouth he lies and spews racist filth and every day as he becomes more unpopular, his anti-working class policies revealed, he escalates his rhetoric.

Trump can be found seated on his gold toilet or almost daily on his golf course. He should be arrested and jailed for crimes against humanity