Hundreds Join Miners’ Sit-Down Strike on Train Tracks

Word spread fast that Harlan County miners had stood up to the Blackjewel company to demand pay owed to them for digging coal. They have effectively stopped a train attempting to bring coal they dug out to be sold for the profit of the criminal owners of Blackjewel. The company, which declared bankruptcy in June, is attempting to cheat the laid-off miners out of $12 million.

The company is trying to get an injunction to order the removal of the miners, but it’s the owners of Blackjewel who should be ordered to pay the miners. Clearly the owners understand that the capitalist courts work for them. But as one miner said, “we are standing up for what is right.”

The miners train track sit-down has garnered support throughout Harlan County as well as supporters from across the country who have traveled to join them in their tent city. People are bringing food and necessities and support for their families.