New Orleans Workers Group Makes Demands for Coronavirus Fight

Protect Workers, Not Profits!

As the case of China has shown, the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak requires extraordinary measures to contain its spread and its potentially lethal effects. Quarantines and potentially widespread closures of schools and businesses may be necessary. Infected people will need to be able to self-isolate without fear of going hungry, missing rent, or losing their jobs. Extra precautions will need to be taken to protect healthcare workers. The production and universal distribution of medical gear and personal protective equipment (PPE) will need to be ramped up and hoarding and price gouging strictly prohibited. In other words, to stop the spread of an epidemic requires economic planning and cooperation that protects the health of the whole social body, not just the rich. The New Orleans Workers Group makes the following demands:

  • All costs for COVID-19 treatment and containment should be born by the government including reimbursement for lost wages. No worker should risk spreading the virus for lack of income.
  • Childcare should be universally available to parents in the event of school closures.
  • Tests should be free for all residents and administered at conveniently located test centers throughout the country.
  • Price controls should be put into effect to shield workers from the disruptive effects that the virus has had on the global economy.
  • Workers’ 401(k)s should be protected from devaluation in stock prices. A moratorium should go into effect immediately.
  • Manufacturing of medical gear and PPE should be ordered to meet need without regard to private profits.
  • A system for free food distribution to quarantined areas and self-isolated households should be put into effect
  • Every resident is entitled to these protections to income, health, etc. regardless of citizenship status.