Thousands Protest Trump and Modi, Reject Militarism

Trump has refused to comment on the anti-Muslim pogroms in India, instead praising Modi as “very strong” and “very tough.” He has since boasted that he brokered the sale of $3 billion worth of military equipment to the Indian government and that he “looks forward to providing India with some of the best and most feared military equipment on the planet.”

Modi’s government, like Trump’s, scapegoats Muslims, immigrants, and others in order to turn attention from the real reason that there’s a widespread lack of decent jobs and deteriorating living standards for workers. When the capitalist system can no longer sustain itself from exploitation alone, racism and war are the answers of the capitalists.

As during the rise of Nazism, the ultra-rich are relying more and more on the arms trade for their profits. Here in the U.S. as in India, it’s urgent that we get organized to defeat fascism. In order to do so, we must stand firm against the Pentagon and the ballooning military budget that allows war profiteers to siphon more than 60% of U.S. government spending for their own enrichment.