Hunger is Soaring in LA, U.S., & World

Beef Prices Up 25%,
Potatoes Up 13%,
Eggs Up 12%
— Roll ‘Em Back!

Rich politicians in Baton Rouge are passing tax cuts for profitable companies and Congress is allowing the Federal Reserve bank to give TRILLIONs of dollars to banks and giant industries. While nearly 50% of children and seniors lack sufficient food, Wall Street is cheering record profits.

United Nations Says There is Enough Food for the World, We Must Put People Before Profit

Farmworkers, truck drivers, meat packers and grocery clerks labor produce enough food for everyone. The problem is that food is produced for profit, not need and we lack income or a living wage. Around the world 280 million people are on the verge of dying from starvation.

We deserve better! Food is a right, organize to fight for it!