No Wall St. WWIII Against China!

The U.S. wants to overthrow the Chinese government and take over the country. It wants to force China to bow to U.S. corporations. Trump’s racist lies have led to a surge in anti-Asian hate crimes in the U.S. We have more in common with workers in China than racist U.S. bosses and politicians who want to destroy workers here and around the world for profit. Money for war is money that could be used to take care of our needs for housing, food, and healthcare during a global pandemic. We cannot buy into hateful racist lies to distract workers from the fact that the U.S. government is letting 40 million go unemployed, while 30 million face eviction. A war with China would only mean misery and death to the people of both countries—and all for the enrichment of a few billionaires. Say no to U.S. war on China!