Corporate Campaign Bribes Pay Louisiana Legislators to Wage War on Workers

The minimum wage of $7.25 has been around since 2009. It was too low then, and it is way too low now. The official inflation rate does not count rent, food, utilities, tuition, or healthcare. The real inflation rate is between 7% and 13% depending on where you live. Adjusting for real inflation would mean a minimum wage of $12.60 to $16.88. EVen $12.60 is not a living wage. We want $15/hr.

The Louisiana Legislature is determined to totally impoverish workers even though most states have minimum wages higher than Louisiana’s. In 28 states, minimum wages are from $8.75 to $14 in 2021. While we work for pennies, Louisiana legislators live in luxury and give tax exemptions, abatements, and outright subsidies every year to corporations in exchange for campaign contributions, which are really bribes.

Florida voters have won a minimum wage increase to $15/hr over the next 4 years, despite millions spent to oppose their efforts. We want to vote for $15 an hour. Let Louisiana workers vote!