Build a United Working-Class Struggle to Smash White Supremacy and Organize for Our Needs

Roberta A. Drury, 32, of Buffalo; Margus D. Morrison, 52, of Buffalo; Andre Mackneil, 53, of Auburn, New York; Aaron Salter, 55, of Lockport, New York; Geraldine Talley, 62, of Buffalo; Celestine Chaney, 65, of Buffalo; Heyward Patterson, 67, of Buffalo; Katherine Massey, 72, of Buffalo; Pearl Young, 77, of Buffalo; Ruth Whitfield, 86, of Buffalo.

Our hearts go out to the families, Black community, and all workers of Buffalo horrified and outraged by the racist murders of 10 people by a white supremacist neo-Nazi.

Yesterday, Biden spoke to the grieving families and city. This attention may be temporarily welcomed by some, but for all his sermonizing, Biden didn’t propose one concrete measure to combat fascist terrorism, nor did he mention that the fascists are funded and organized by the ultra-wealthy to divide the working class and maintain control of us through violence. The tiny clique of capitalists that control TV, radio, and social media promote fascism in their aim to dominate the world for their own profit.

Just four days ago, Biden urged city and state governments to spend leftover Covid money on police. Millions of these dollars will be handed over to fascist police training firms, as a recent Reuters report exposed. Later this week Biden will hand over $40 billion more of our tax dollars to war corporations who are getting rich putting rocket launchers in the hands of Nazi battalions in Ukraine.

Congress hasn’t removed one fascist politician from office or one racist judge from their lifetime appointments. Racist capitalists like Elon Musk are openly praised and lavished with billions of tax-payer dollars. While the Republican Party openly pushes racism and anti-worker assaults, the Democratic Party, funded by the same ultra-wealthy racists, offers empty promises and prayers.

Biden & NATO Push Militarism and Repression, Fuel the Rise of Fascism Globally

It’s critical that we workers build a united fight-back independent of the Democrats and Republicans who use our tax dollars to fund, arm, and train fascists here and in countries around the world, including Ukraine, Colombia, Israel, and the Philippines. The capitalists’ goal in all these places is to make us poor, isolated, controlled, and afraid—that way we won’t be able to wield our collective power to get higher wages and a better life.

The capitalists use 900 US foreign military bases to protect and expand their wealth through violent terrorism. They create debt, starvation, and poverty by sanctioning 39 countries. Their goal is the absolute impoverishment of the working class. We in the US cannot stop fascism at home while it’s being stoked abroad by the US military, State Department, and CIA on behalf of the rich.

The capitalists in control of US fossil fuel corporations, war profiteering corporations, and banks are the main forces behind the worldwide growth of fascism and war. Every year they loot more than a trillion of our tax dollars from the treasury while we’re left scrounging for gas money so that we can drive around looking for baby formula.

Through Education, Mass Protests, Strikes, and Organized Defense, We Can Send the Fascists Running

The working class is the only social force that can liberate society from the dictatorship of the rich who will never stop trying to poison us with their racist and bigoted ideas and who continue to drum up wars for us to die in. By taking on struggles that unite the working class—for housing, healthcare, income—we will build up our collective power. To stay strong, we need to ruthlessly combat anything that threatens that unity—whether racism, transphobia, misogyny, ageism, ableism, etc. United we will sweep the fascists off the face of the earth.