Honor Molly Tibbetts by Sharing Her Family’s Words: “You Do Not Get to Usurp Mollie…for Your Racist, False Narrative.”

Recently Molly Tibbetts, a young Iowan, was brutally killed. This is a terrible tragedy. Because the alleged killer is an immigrant, politicians and the media seized upon this to vilify all immigrants and justify their racist demonization, led by the white supremacist Trump administration.

But Molly’s family refused to allow this to happen, saying this is not what Molly stood for. This is what they said:

“The Hispanic community are Iowans,” he said during his eulogy this past Sunday, revealing that they “had embraced him as he searched for his daughter in recent weeks,” the Des Moines Register reported. “They have the same values as Iowans. As far as I’m concerned, they’re Iowans with better food.”

The paper reported that during the several weeks Tibbetts was in Iowa searching for his daughter, “he ate at a number of Mexican restaurants, where employees were sensitive and kind. They knew when he needed space or when he needed to joke.” He continued: “Today, we need to turn the page. We’re at the end of a long ordeal. But we need to turn toward life—Mollie’s life—because Mollie’s nobody’s victim. Mollie’s my hero.” He hasn’t been the only member of Tibbetts’s family to reject the false narrative pushed onto her by anti-immigrant figures.

“No,” wrote her cousin Sandi Tibbetts Murphy in a Facebook post. “Especially for those of you who did not know her in life, you do not get to usurp Mollie and her legacy for your racist, false narrative now that she is no longer with us. We hereby reclaim our Mollie.” There’s still uncertainty regarding her alleged killer’s immigration status, but that doesn’t matter to the people doing the fearmongering anyway, because “immigrants-are-criminals” has always been their fall-back narrative despite the fact that immigrants are less likely than U.S.-born Americans to commit crime. Enough, said Tibbetts’s cousin. “You do not have permission to callously use this tragedy to demonize an entire population for the acts of one man. No. We reclaim our Mollie.”

Hollywood Works for the Pentagon

According to released government documents obtained by investigative journalists Tom Secker and Matthew Alford, the US military has controlled the production of over 800 American movies and 1,000 TV shows. They oversaw popular films like Top Gun, Transformers, and Tomorrow Never Dies, but their hand also extends into other genres, like horror, documentary, sci-fi, and even talk shows and culinary series (even Oprah and Top Chef are on the list!).

This is just one part of a broader pattern of the US military taking over every aspect of civilian life. Factories become weapon producers, universities become military science labs, energy research makes bombs, oil companies fuel fighter jets, and Hollywood turns into a war propaganda machine.

On the silver screen the Navy SEAL is a fearless freedom fighter, the CIA agent is an unsung hero. But in reality, the US military slaughters millions worldwide and the CIA sells guns to death squads that kidnap children and murder families.