Tell The Rotten Super Rich: “You are the Problem, Not the Refugees!”

President Trump inherited his wealth from his Nazi sympathizing father, then became a billionaire by charging very high rents and excluding Black renters in NYC. He continues to unleash vicious, lying, racist, anti-immigrant tirades against suffering refugees from Central America.

Trump and the ultra-rich loot the U.S. treasury and give it to war profiteering companies. They give themselves a tax cut, refuse to raise wages and accumulate massive amounts of unearned wealth. They discuss in their luxury offices how best to turn attention away from their murderous greed. Their answer is to try to dupe us workers into believing that a lack of “papers” makes us our own enemy. They think that we’re too stupid to know who the real enemy is.


Thousands of desperate refugees, a majority of them families, are traveling hundreds of hard miles to find shelter, food and a future. Do they really want to leave their land, their relatives? Of course not. Take one example, Honduras. In 2009 the Obama/Clinton administration through the CIA, overthrew the elected government in Honduras. This elected government was carrying out reforms that benefited the workers and peasants. The U.S. installed a brutal dictatorship that has murdered many environmentalists, community leaders and imprisoned thousands. The poverty rate has soared since this coup. Trump continues to give weapons and military training to the reactionary government.

To the U.S. capitalists and the politicians in their pockets, any country that tries to free itself from U.S. backed monopolies and raise the standard of living of the people is an enemy. The U.S. condemns Venezuela. Venezuela has just created 2.3 million new homes using money from its oil wealth. But U.S. corporations would prefer to own Venezuela’s oil, and Congress does the bidding of its corporate masters.

U.S. backed corporations require a stock of low wage labor wherever they can get it and it’s the job of the U.S. government to insure that they get it by whatever means—whether trade agreements, sanctions, or bombs. In turn, low wages in other countries bring down wages here. Workers from other countries aren’t to blame for sagging wages, capitalists are.

The refugee crisis was made in Washington and Wall Street. Take the case of Mexico. Trade agreements opened Mexico to the dumping of U.S. corn into Mexico. Corn was a main economic base crop in Mexico. While workers here also got laid off due to plants running away to Mexico, millions of rural Mexican families were pushed off the land, homeless and unemployed. But U.S. agribusiness and Agribanks made billions in profit.


The more Trump and the rest of Wall Street, be they Republican or Democrat, attack the living standards of the working class, the more desperately they need scapegoats. Trump has clearly allied his administration with white supremacists for the same reason. They desperately want to turn attention off themselves and have us turn against one another.

The real history of the KKK and other scum like them, is that they are funded by the super wealthy in order to divide us. The bosses can always call on the KKK or other Nazi types to attack a workers’ strike or a struggle for housing. The true origin of these groups was that they were terrorists in the employ of the old slave holders who wanted to get back into power. They attacked voting rights and attacked Black and white sharecroppers uniting for a better life. Many white workers in the south today have low wages, and that is the legacy of racism dividing the workers. In short, racist, anti-immigrant groups are also always working for the superrich and against the workers.


Each of us workers must ask: where do my true interests lie? With the wealthy white rulers in Baton Rouge who just voted against increasing the minimum wage while they live in luxury? With the silver spoon parasite Trump who is attacking workers’ rights and safety regulations? Or do our interests lie with our refugee sisters and brothers?

Capitalism pits workers against one another in competition for jobs. But who sets how many jobs there are and the wages that they pay? The capitalists. Corporations have spent $450 billion buying up their company stocks so their books look good. Are they putting that money into new businesses, new jobs or raising wages? No. Where did they get that $450 billion anyway? From the unpaid labor that they force out of us workers.

What is really disgusting is that they claim that if immigrants were “legal”, we citizen workers would suffer. It is disgusting because just the opposite is true. If any group of workers is discriminated against— especially “legally”— it brings down the wages us all. Exempting farm workers from labor standards, engaging in slave labor in prisons, allowing employers to pay youth less then even the lousy minimum wage, working for food stamps rather than wages, brings down wages for all.

The government works for the rich, not us. Why are there no laws against shipping jobs out of the country? Why does the government allow capitalists to skip out on taxes and stash their stolen wealth in offshore havens? Why does the government support dictators who repress workers in other countries?

We should condemn the capitalists, the bankers, and the real estate developers as the real criminals. Of course it’s easier to take the coward’s route and simmer in hatred rather than fight back against the rich. But that path, we promise, will only bring misery. That path only enables the rich to take more away from you, your children and communities. The greater the unity of all workers, regardless of race or national origin, the better we can fight together to demand what we need.